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Bryansk - gorod partizanskoy i voinskoy slavy

Bryanskaya oblast


Photos and historical info.
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On March 25, 2010, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev signed Decree No. 339 awarding Bryansk the title of "City of Military Glory". This high rank marked the mass heroism, courage and steadfastness of the Bryansk soldiers who fought against the Nazi invaders. This is a worthy assessment of the merits of many generations of Bryans who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of the Motherland.

The city of Bryansk is more than a thousand years old – it was founded in 985, and in the annals it was mentioned from 1146-1147 under the names Dobryansk, Debryansk, Dobryansk, Bryansk. It was founded as a fortified point on the high right bank of the Desna River. The history of Bryansk is inextricably linked with the defense of the country. The city played an important role in numerous Russian-Polish wars. At the beginning of the 19th century, Bryansk became one of the largest arms factories in Russia.

Bryansk confirmed the important role of the fortress city in 1941-1945, during the Great Patriotic War. The city took over the first blow of the Nazi troops, who acted according to the Typhoon plan (according to