Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79GA

Pozyvnoy posvyaschaetsya geroyam g. Azova i Azovskogo rayona. Dvadcat azovchan i zhiteley rayona byli udostoeny zvaniya Geroya Sovetskogo Soyuza, a pyatero stali polnymi kavalerami ordena Slavy.

Rostovskaya oblast


Photos and historical info.
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The thousand-year history of the city of Azov is inextricably linked with the military exploits of the Russian people. In 1637, the Don Cossacks took the Turkish fortress of Azov. For five years, Azov was the capital of the Don Army. In 1641, a 240,000-strong Turkish army surrounded Azov, which contained 5,000 Cossacks and 800 Cossack wives. The Azov siege ended with the victory of the Cossacks. The defense of the fortress brought immortal glory to the Cossacks. Peter I's Azov campaigns of 1695-1696 were a continuation of Russia's struggle for border security and access to the south Seas. The almost century-long struggle between Russia and Turkey for the right to possess Azov ended with Russia's victory.

During the Great Patriotic War, the people of Azov did not shame the honor and military glory of their ancestors. About 45,000 residents of the city and the district fought at the front.

During the war, 20 Azov residents and residents of the district were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, and five became full holders of the Order of Glory. More than 18,000 residents of Azov did not return from the war, giving their lives for the freedom and independence of our Motherland. 1133 soldiers– commanders and partisans, died bravely during the defense and during the liberation of the city from the German occupiers.