Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79KP

Pamyati zhertv sredi mirnyh zhiteley Smolenschiny vo vremya Velikoy Otechestvennoy voyny.

Smolenskaya oblast


Photos and historical info.
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Book of Memory of Civilians

The residents of the Smolensk region will never forget the great feat of the civilians they have done in the fight against fascism. Every hill, every tree, every bull was defended by Smolensk region from the lugged enemy. But the forces were too unequal.

The 151320 civilians were shot, burned, hanged, tortured in the gestapo on the territory of the Smolensk region in two years and three months of the occupation. No other area of Russia had such losses.

The Smolensk regional office of the International Public Fund "Russian Fund of Peace" having studied documents of the Smolensk archives was engaged in the edition of the Book of Memory of civilians according to the order of Administration of the Smolensk region No. 42 of 23.01.2001 and No. 272 of 16.06.2003.

The 8 volumes are published. They give a brief description of the areas before the occupation, describe the material damage caused to each area by the German invaders and give a roll list of civilians were killed at the hands of the fascists between 1941 and 1943. There are 19,308 residents of the Smolensk region named by name in the Book of Memory of Civilians. The rest are victims of fascist mass atrocities.

Website: https://ua3lls.wixsite.com/knigapamjati