Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79PR

Radistam partizanskih otryadov

Bryanskaya oblast


Photos and historical info.
Attention! Information below is provided by special event station operator and published AS IS.

The call sign RP79PR partisans — radio operators is dedicated to the feat of the radio operators of the partisan detachments, most of whom were young boys and girls.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of radio communication for the successful conduct of guerrilla warfare when there is no solid front line, no rear, when the struggle itself is conducted behind enemy lines. Deal an unexpected blow to the enemy and get away from the blow yourself, disappear to gather strength for a new blow. Collect information about the enemy's ongoing training and promptly transfer it to the leadership of the active army in order to make the right decision. In such conditions, it is difficult to do without radio communication. The radio operators fully shared the difficulties and hardships of the guerrilla life associated with the constant persecution of the punishers. Working in difficult conditions of the enemy's rear, partisan radio operators vigilantly guarded the partisan radio communication system from penetration by German intelligence, using individual ciphers, preventing the interception and decoding of materials transmitted by our stations.