Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79UR

Trudovomu i ratnomu podvigu uralcev

Sverdlovskaya oblast


Photos and historical info.
Attention! Information below is provided by special event station operator and published AS IS.

The Urals region of Russia - to the Motherland.

The region of the Urals in Russia became the largest

area to which industrial enterprises and people were

evacuated to, by the fall of 1942. It housed over

8З0 enterprises, of which some 212 went to the

Sverdlovskaya oblast.

The 'great transfer to the East' meant not only the

move of industrial equipment. People had to be moved

and received, housed and re-employed at their new

home base. between July 1941 and December 1942 the

Urals region accepted over 2,12 million people, of

which 719 thousands went to live in the Sverdlovskaya


Over 2 millions of Urals natives went to fight at the

fronts of WW II. 600 thousands of them never came back.

From us - to future generation

We gave our lives for our nation

Protecting homeland - died, and thus

Those living, please remember us