Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79ZD

Gorod Zelenodolsk, tylovoe snabzhenie, proizvodstvo boekomplekta, lyudi i zavody svyazannye s etim processom, Za Deda voevavshego na kurskoy duge. Za Deda moey zheny doshedshego do Berlina.

Respublika Tatarstan


Photos and historical info.
Attention! Information below is provided by special event station operator and published AS IS.

Defense enterprises of Zelenodolsk

For the needs of the front, for the war, 10 leading enterprises of Zelenodolsk worked: the Gorky plant, the Sergo plant, PFZ-Z, ZFZ-10, sleeper impregnation plant, Zeleny Dol station depot, industrial plant, garment factory, Bytovik artel, Bolshevik artel "

These enterprises produced military equipment, weapons, ammunition, warm winter clothing, cotton uniforms, camouflage suits, duffel bags, skis, leather boots, sleepers, aircraft plywood and many other products. Only the Zeleny Dol station depot did not produce products, but the staff of this enterprise repaired locomotives and carriages around the clock.

During the four years of the war, enterprises of the Soviet Union produced over 706 million tons of bombs, shells and mines for the front. If every second shell was produced by factories in the Urals, then every tenth was produced by two factories in Zelenodolsk.

Zelenodolsk nurses

On February 1, 1942, the Zelenodolsk Komsomol organization sent 127 female nurses to the front who completed three-month courses for nurses. They were all volunteers.

By February 1943, another 109 volunteer nurses were trained for the front in Zelenodolsk.

Thus, the city Komsomol organization, together with the city military registration and enlistment office, prepared 236 nurses for the front. 26 of them returned from the war. Out of every ten nurses, 9 people died. Eternal memory to them...

Few of the old-timers of Zelenodolsk remember the day of February 1, 1942, when at the Zeleny Dol station they escorted female nurses to the front. They were seen off mainly by mothers, grandmothers, and younger sisters. As soon as the military train from Kazan approached the platform, and the Zelenodolsk volunteers began to board the carriages, the orchestra began to play “Farewell of the Slavyanka”, the mourners in one impulse fell to their knees and stood there until the train disappeared...