Мемориал Победа 79 // List of the stations // RP79WN

Gorodu voinskoy slavy-Volokolamsk

Moskovskaya oblast


Photos and historical info.
Attention! Information below is provided by special event station operator and published AS IS.

Heavy fighting took place near Volokolamsk and in this direction. The enemy was rushing to Moscow. It was in this direction that the fighters of the 316th SD, later nicknamed "Panfilovites", covered themselves with glory. The monument and museum was created in Dubosekovo village. The city of Volokolamsk had to be abandoned under strong pressure from the enemy. Our regiments gained a foothold at the villages of Lenino and Snegiri, where there were also heavy battles and from where our troops launched an offensive in early December and only on December 20, 1941, Volokolamsk was liberated.